Located in Terre Haute, Indiana, Clabber Girl knows that the safety of their employees is the key to a successful operation. They purchased their first MAUI loading platform from SafeRack in 2010 and a second in 2016. The mobile loading platform serves as a portable truck loading rack, a necessity where access for inspection or venting is required in varying locations within a plant. MAUI provides a safe, stable, and dependable rolling platform in addition to vital fall protection for operators.
The first mobile platform helped operators access tanker trucks. The increased accessibility made a significant difference in the loading experience. When it came time to purchase a second platform to enable easy access to railcars, working with SafeRack again was a natural choice.
“The service call was so easy to schedule. The SafeRack representative was quite responsive and made keeping our equipment safe and functional a breeze. We will most certainly use SafeRack again.” – Keith Lee, Clabber Girl Director of Food Safety & Quality
During the service call, SafeRack technician Ricky Cissa inspected both mobile loading platforms. A leveling jack was changed out on the MAUI used on tanker trucks. Cissa also suggested that the MAUI used for railcars receive a routine grease application on all fittings. Regular preventative maintenance will ensure worker safety and preserve the integrity of the equipment for as long as possible.